Mix Masters Concrete


Concrete Any Time By Appointment

Mix Masters Concrete


Concrete Any Time By Appointment

Mix Masters Concrete


Concrete Any Time By Appointment

Mix Masters Concrete


Concrete Any Time By Appointment

Company History

  • Established 1998 in Beulaville, NC
  • Scott Thigpen acquired the business in 2018
  • Agricultural & residential growth in the Duplin & surrounding areas have allowed us to grow as a business
  • We are currently venturing out into other aspects of our industry; East Duplin Pre-cast and KPT Masonry sister companies. Offering septic tanks, septic tank installation and concrete finishing.
  • Being able to acquire our own cement & customers, has allowed us to be more proficient in our services; Hauling cement for ourselves and other companies.

About Us

Mission Statement

  • To provide the best customer service while delivering a high-quality product.
  • Our vision is to grow in our industry & become a household name while maintaining our locally owned & operated values.
  • As a growing business, we want to ensure our customers, big or small, receive the best service that we provide. Making sure that the smaller companies know they are just as important as the larger corporations is Mix Masters concrete goal

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